Nov 09 2007

Seabear – The Ghost That Carried Us Away

Published by at 7:35 am under MP3's

If I had to choose one new Icelandic band to share with you, Seabear would most likely be the winner. Not every song on Seabear’s debut album, The Ghost That Carried Us Away, is earth shattering, but those that are make me weep with joy. The band reminds me of Low combined with a folksier, more low key version of The Boy Least Likely To.

“Libraries” is the most upbeat song on the album, and reminds me of Arcade Fire’s better music. The violin graces us with her presence on many of these tracks, and makes the songs “Hospital Bed” and “Arms” absolutely stellar. Seabear is not a very well known band yet, and I suggest you jump on the bandwagon before it takes off. I know I’ve come across a great band when I have an impossible time picking which songs to put on the blog. It’s a good indicator that if you like these samples, you should go and buy the album.

Seabear is Sindri Már Sigfússon, Gudbjörg Hlin Gudmundsdóttir (violin, vocals, harmonica), and örn (guitar, & lapsteel). They are from Reykjavik, Iceland and are on the moor music label At first, Sindri was a one man act, but when he was asked to open for The Books in Germany, Gudbjörg and örn helped out, and after having a great time performing live, they decided to, well, stay in the one man band.

From my understanding, new members just joined, so there are now seven band mates in all. Seabear still seems to stay true to their core, and only records with one microphone (except while recording the drums), which gives a lo-fi sound. Their use of only one mic may change now that there are seven members, but if not, that would make for a funny SNL skit–watching seven musicians crowd around this one microphone with each one secretly trying to move in closer so they have more presence on the album–that would be classic.

The Ghost That Carried Us Away (2007)

Seabear – Libraries

Seabear – I Sing, I Swim

Seabear – Hospital Bed

Singing Arc EP:

Seabear – Drunk Song

Site | Myspace

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Seabear – The Ghost That Carried Us Away”

  1. Jack on 11 Nov 2007 at 10:37 pm

    Its morr music label 🙂

  2. Matt on 25 Nov 2007 at 12:52 pm

    Just found out about this band the other day, amazing stuff.

  3. Linda on 28 Nov 2007 at 1:58 pm

    Hey, the track title is “I sing, I swim”, you have it listed wrong in the download section.

    Thanks for the post though, I’m enjoying the tunes!

  4. Anonymous on 02 Dec 2007 at 12:21 pm

    The song libraries reminds me of that song by mojave 3… the name of which i forget.

  5. David on 18 Dec 2007 at 3:44 am

    Wow, must have been an off day for me:) Thanks for the corrections Jack and Linda!

  6. Shannon on 18 Feb 2008 at 10:28 pm

    they sing in english o__o

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