Sep 19 2009
LA! Help These United States find their missing laptop (with hundreds of unrecorded demos!)
Our friends These United States lost their laptop in Los Angeles that contains a few hundred demos of unrecorded songs. If you lead to its safe recovery, you just might find your name on the liner notes of band’s next album!!! (or in tUS frontman Jesse Elliott’s words: “You shall receive my first-born child, and perhaps even my second, depending on whether the songs are any good…”)
The internet community is able to do so much with a little group effort… Raise millions for Ron Paul, RickRoll everything, and even supply an infinite number of adorable kitten pics.. is this to much to ask for? Call up the kids, friends, relatives, whoever you know in LA, and let’s find their laptop and make history (if you can’t help in that way, Digging will help too!). Hooray!
Everything touches Everything (2009):
These United States – Will It Ever
Crimes (2008):
These United States – Honor Among Thieves
A Picture of the Three of Us at The Gate to the Garden of Eden (2008):
These United States – First Sight