Mar 23 2011

Eureka Birds – Eureka! EP

Published by at 4:06 pm under Alternative,Experimental,MP3's

I’m a big fan of the Baltimore based band, The Eureka Birds. They have this really cool lo-fi, pop sound, and their piano and string arrangements bring to mind some of my favorite aspects of The Beatles’ music (gasp!). Their lead singer, Justin Levy, is also a real scientist, which adds that much more street cred to their music. Up to date they have released one album, which I featured here, and just recently released a new fantastic EP called, Eureka! EP.

A few of the tracks I’m really digging on the 6 track EP include, “The Mountain is a Volcano”, “Sarah (Sits and Cries)”, “There Was Light”, and “Cactus Man.” So that’s pretty much the entire thing right there. And the band is being nice enough to give it away for free on Bandcamp.

Just like with the arrangements on many Beatles songs, I find these tracks growing on me the more I listen to them. So take a listen— and if you’re not sure how you feel about it right away, definitely do this band justice by listening through a few times. It’s worth it.

Eureka! EP (2010):

Eureka Birds – The Mountain is a Volcano (mp3)

Eureka Birds – Cactus Man (mp3)

Site | Bandcamp

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Eureka Birds – Eureka! EP”

  1. Patrick on 23 Mar 2011 at 4:25 pm

    The EP’s not bad but I still feel that their LP is far better. Which is unfortunate.

  2. Penthesilea on 25 Mar 2011 at 12:52 pm

    This pleases me! Thank you!

  3. Mars on 12 Oct 2012 at 7:09 pm

    Eureaka Birds is an excellent group and I love their “hush” type of sound. Very underrated.

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