May 17 2010

Scott Avett covers Bombadil

Published by at 4:36 pm under Covers,DC,Folk,Fun!,MP3's,Video

Bombadil is a favorite over at IndieMuse–their album Tarpits and Canyonlands was on my Top 10 list last year. Simply put, they are a band worthy of everyone’s ears. It’s criminal that more people haven’t heard their music.

Instead of listening to a nobody like me though–consider this! Avett brother, Scott, recently did a video cover of Bombadil’s song “Marriage.” Last time I checked, The Avett Brovers don’t cover just anybody.

I still can’t decide what I like more: the band’s music or their photos. As you can see below, their CD travels the world asking friendly strangers to capture his adventures. Everytime it comes home to the band they share the photos with the world to see.

(mp3) Bombadil – Honeymoon

(mp3) Bombadil – Marriage

Site | Store | iTunes | Myspace

see more photos on Bombadil’s Facebook fan page.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Scott Avett covers Bombadil”

  1. Molly Rugburn on 24 May 2010 at 6:13 pm

    This was so exciting! I have loved Bombadil ever since I found out about them through indiemuse and have put them on every mix I’ve made someone since.

  2. David on 24 May 2010 at 6:55 pm

    Thanks Molly! I’m glad you love em too 🙂

    I was going to email you, but your address didn’t come through– shoot me a line sometime!


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