Mar 30 2010

Hezekiah Jones – Come to Our Pool Party

Published by at 12:48 pm under Experimental,Folk,MP3's

I’ve spent quite a bit of time as of recent listening to Hezekiah Jones. For whatever reason I had never checked out their music, assuming they were an Israeli ska rap group or something of that nature (which is what I often default to when I don’t know a band). But turns out they actually make really great folk music!

I highly recommend Hezekiah Jones’ 2007 release, Come to Our Pool Party. It contains super catchy folk melodies, including my personal favorites “Cupcakes for the Army,””Knives of Summertime,” and “Rain-stars.” There’s a lot of personality coming through Herekiah Jones’ music, which is one of the reasons why I really like them. The poetic lyrics are cleverly written and clearly the band isn’t afraid to experiment and have a little fun. Their debut, Hezekiah Says You’re A-Ok, is really solid as well.

Hezekiah Jones is based out of Philadelphia and is the brainchild of Raphael Cutrufello. He writes the songs and plays piano, guitar, rhodes piano, harmonica, melodica, slide whistle, vocals, pots and pans!, kazoo, xylophone, and accordion. Raphael is backed by a rotating group of friends, and if you look at it Myspace, you’ll see he has more bandmates than perhaps any artist in the history of music.

Come to Our Pool Party (2007):

(mp3) Hezekiah Jones – Cupcakes for the Army

(mp3) Hezekiah Jones – Knives of Summertime

site | CD Baby | Myspace

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Hezekiah Jones – Come to Our Pool Party”

  1. Sandy@YerBirdRecords on 30 Mar 2010 at 2:21 pm

    Thanks for the love – Hezekiah Jones are a good bunch of people with some fantastic folk tunes. Look for a new album soon!


  2. on 10 Apr 2010 at 9:23 pm

    I’ve never really took the time to check out Hezekiah Jones either…until today and I actually really like “Cupcakes…”… Nice post

  3. Jackson on 20 Apr 2010 at 5:03 pm

    I found my new favorite song 😀

  4. Lola on 01 Jun 2010 at 11:32 pm

    I cannot, cannot, stop listening to these guys

  5. NoName on 17 Jan 2011 at 11:36 am

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