Nov 03 2009
Sam Hart – Mario Kart Love Song
I grew up playing Mario Kart, and really loved the game despite the fact that I was absolutely horrible at it. My strategy was to be so bad that I would distract my opponents, and then sneak attack a banana peel, but that never seemed to work out too well for me. I once slipped on my own peel which I didn’t even know was possible…
Mario and I have parted ways over the years (on good terms), but there are some really good Mario songs out there that still keep us close. My favorite is called the “Mario Kart Love Song” from a musician named Sam Hart. Sam plays music more as a hobby, for now, but this awesome song has gotten him quite a bit of attention.
(MP3) Sam Hart – Mario Kart Love Song
The above MP3 is the Youtube version. Buy the better quality MP3 at iTunes or CDbaby. Sam is independent, support him!
Black Pear Trees EP:
(mp3) The Mountain Goats & Kaki King – Thank You Mario But Our Princess Is in Another Castle
I love this games too.
Play about 2-3 hrs. / day before.
Thank you for the song.
love ur song it is so awsome 🙂