Oct 22 2009

Wisdom Tooth – Cathedral Park (2009)

Published by at 9:50 pm under Alternative,Folk,MP3's

wisdom tooth

If you keep up with IndieMuse, you are probably well aware of my love for the xylophone. I think it’s a great instrument. And fortunately, a lot of bands dig the xylophone too, so I can pretty much write about it to my heart’s content.

Another instrument that I really love, that I can’t write about as much, is the ukulele. The ukulele is a totally underrated instrument, and it makes me sad that there are some ukelele haters out there who think it’s a lame guitar wannabe. It’s not. It’s awesome.

If you are like me, and just want to listen to great ukulele folk/pop all day, you should check out Meagan Day, aka Wisdom Tooth. She recently released an album called “Cathedral Park” that I highly recommend. Best of all, she gives away all of her music for free.

Meagan is a Texas native, attending Oberlin College in Ohio, and has been writing songs since high school.

Cathedral Park (2009)

Wisdom Tooth – Cathedral Park

Wisdom Tooth – Wild Grasses

Myspace | CLLCT (download fo’ FREE!)

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Wisdom Tooth – Cathedral Park (2009)”

  1. Kristin on 23 Oct 2009 at 7:36 am

    If you love ukulele, then you probably already know about this, but I’ll just put it out there anyway….http://ukulelehunt.com/

    They did an interview w/Lulu & the Lampshades that was so much fun!

  2. Georgie on 26 Jul 2011 at 7:23 pm

    Hi! Any chance you could re-upload this?

  3. Andy on 17 Oct 2013 at 12:40 pm

    Norgan- this artist is terribly elusive. I’ve enjoyed her music for years and wanted to send an e-mail just to give my support and ask if she’s working on anything new but it’s like she completely separates her music from any kind of contact. There’s a 2010 album on bandcamp called somnambulist. I really think she would be a successful musician if she just networked and marketed a little more. Sigh. Let me know if you come up with anything.

  4. Emily on 25 Oct 2019 at 12:47 pm

    Hi! Just wanted to say like an above commenter, I’m also scouring the internet for Meagan Day’s music. I have her album Bad Knees which she released under the name Laughing Owls, but I’d really love to be able to listen to the Cathedral Park album again. Gosh I loved her music so much when I was in college (and still do! I just don’t have it anymore).

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