Oct 22 2009
Wisdom Tooth – Cathedral Park (2009)
If you keep up with IndieMuse, you are probably well aware of my love for the xylophone. I think it’s a great instrument. And fortunately, a lot of bands dig the xylophone too, so I can pretty much write about it to my heart’s content.
Another instrument that I really love, that I can’t write about as much, is the ukulele. The ukulele is a totally underrated instrument, and it makes me sad that there are some ukelele haters out there who think it’s a lame guitar wannabe. It’s not. It’s awesome.
If you are like me, and just want to listen to great ukulele folk/pop all day, you should check out Meagan Day, aka Wisdom Tooth. She recently released an album called “Cathedral Park” that I highly recommend. Best of all, she gives away all of her music for free.
Meagan is a Texas native, attending Oberlin College in Ohio, and has been writing songs since high school.
Cathedral Park (2009)
If you love ukulele, then you probably already know about this, but I’ll just put it out there anyway….http://ukulelehunt.com/
They did an interview w/Lulu & the Lampshades that was so much fun!
Hi! Any chance you could re-upload this?
Norgan- this artist is terribly elusive. I’ve enjoyed her music for years and wanted to send an e-mail just to give my support and ask if she’s working on anything new but it’s like she completely separates her music from any kind of contact. There’s a 2010 album on bandcamp called somnambulist. I really think she would be a successful musician if she just networked and marketed a little more. Sigh. Let me know if you come up with anything.
Hi! Just wanted to say like an above commenter, I’m also scouring the internet for Meagan Day’s music. I have her album Bad Knees which she released under the name Laughing Owls, but I’d really love to be able to listen to the Cathedral Park album again. Gosh I loved her music so much when I was in college (and still do! I just don’t have it anymore).