Apr 20 2009

Songs of the Day III

Published by at 11:00 am under MP3's


Hey everyone, since I’m totally strung out in preparation for graduation, just wanted to give you a quick mix. I’ve been out for a bit, so I’m gonna give you the accelerated version. As I occasionally do, here’s a little stream-of-consciousness mixtape of my recent musical findings.

(On the go? Here’s the entire mix as a ZIP file [zShare].)

First, from a fantastic compilation a friend of mine picked up in Northampton, just a slice from what is one of the grooviest collections of funk I have ever heard. Get it. Dance.

Positive vibrations ongoing. Upcoming Song of the Day on this next band soon. Their album is on frequent rotation over here–though I hear “it’s been out FOREVER!!!”…

Speaking of shameful neglegence–Midlake. Apparently, I missed out on these guys a bit at the time, but seriously… SO good. SO underrated.

A brilliant compilation with emotion to be had from every performer. Probably the strongest attempt at getting so many popular indie artists together like this.

I have no clue where this song came from but its texture gets stuck in my head.

Hmmm…. this one is happier. Like… WAY happier. I mean, it has bells… as we’ve come to expect from these guys.

Speaking of celebrating happiness, Wilco is always refreshing… and they never mind laughing at themselves. I’m unbelievably psyched for their upcoming album (*cross fingers* Late June), supposedly includes some form of this song.

Can’t wait? Check out Wilco’s new DVD out now!!!!!

Wilco keys player, Mikael Jorgensen, has his own thing going too and his influence is clear.

Another band I feel is underrated, Akron/Family has been getting me anxious for their new album.

On the local side, these guys have been making great music down the street, and I wasn’t hearing it. Thanks Brendan!

As always, Passion Pit deliver with a bite from their upcoming.

Here’s a solid 9-minute electro-journey to the inside of your brain. Grab a bunch of their stuff for free on MySpace.

My Morning Jacket has been pumping out the soul on all cylinders recently. Remember, if you haven’t seen them live… do it.

This is just a really great song. You got it right, Binky… you got it.

Fact: Soul Sides is without a doubt the blog I could not live without.This trippy GEM reminds me of the score from Fantastic Planet.

There will be a new Lips album this year… hopefully this summer… I CANNOT F%#King Wait! A nice little outro…

Stay tuned for more. I have a lot to tell you.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Songs of the Day III”

  1. Nick on 20 Apr 2009 at 5:09 pm

    Jesus Akhil.

    I love you.

  2. Virginia on 21 Apr 2009 at 8:36 pm

    I second that. Lovin andrew bird as always

  3. Tanglethis on 28 Apr 2009 at 8:37 am

    This is great! Suits my mood exactly. Thanks for this.

  4. Maaian on 11 Dec 2009 at 9:27 am

    Thanks so much for BMLT!

  5. ruth on 09 May 2010 at 10:10 pm

    Thanks so much for BMLT!

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