Archive for February, 2009

Feb 05 2009

National Zoo’s Baby Gorilla is a Girl

Published by under DC,Folk,MP3's,Song of the Day,Video


Photo courtesy of dcmandrill

We can officially score one for the females, as The National Zoo announced today that the zoo’s 3 week old baby gorilla is a girl! Apparently, it can take a while for humans to know the sex of a gorilla, which is why we are only finding out today. In terms of family lineage, the zoo was hoping it would be a girl, so it’s a good day for gorillas and zookeepers everywhere.

It’s also good to see that the zoo prefers mother-rearing over hand-rearing, meaning the baby girl will be able to stay with her mother, Mandara. Be sure to check out the video below of them together!

Video of Mandara and baby courtesy of RoxandaBear.

Song Mandara and boyfriend probably listened to on dates:

Animal Collective – Grass

Song by Gorillaz for humans:

Gorillaz – Last Living Souls

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Feb 04 2009

Oh, So That’s How You Make A Guitar!

Published by under Folk,Fun!,MP3's


Hey, hope everyone is doing well! We have more music features on the way soon, but in the meantime, I thought I’d share this New York Times article that shows how a Martin guitar is made. The C.F. Martin Company has been producing guitars since 1833 and is considered one of the best guitar manufacturers in the world. It’s a pretty cool process that I think you would appreciate, especially if you play the guitar. I’m a Breedlove man myself–and am still saving up for that $6,000 Jeff Tweedy Breedlove Guitar.

Song played on a guitar that I like:

Bowerbirds – Dark Horse

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Feb 02 2009

Video: Fleet Foxes – White Winter Hymnal

Published by under MP3's

Another cool music video featuring some awesome animation. You get to watch the band age backwards (though not like Benjamin Button). The director of this video, Sean Pecknold has done some other cool videos, also involving the music of Fleet Foxes. Check out the rest of the director’s work here.

Fleet Foxes (2008)

(mp3) Fleet Foxes – White Winter Hymnal

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