Archive for January, 2009

Jan 14 2009

We’re back!

Published by under MP3's


Hey all,

Apologies for the lack of posts this past week. We have been restructuring things on our end a bit, so we can make Indie Muse better than ever (you can decide if that’s saying much). Now that we have things mostly figured out, we’ll finally start our New Years resolutions, and start featuring more bands we hope you like.

Thanks again for all your support. We love you.


p.s. to make it up to you, we’ll giving away one Flight of the Conchords prize pack. A post with more details about the contest is coming soon. Get excited!

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Jan 02 2009

Zooey Deschanel Engaged to Death Cab’s frontman Ben Gibbard

Published by under MP3's


photo credit: radio exile

Whenever I talk about M. Ward and Zooey Deschanel’s project, She and Him, I joke that Ward’s main interest in the band is his gorgeous bandmate. Of course, I don’t actually believe that, and Zooey has proved herself to be quite a talented musician on top of successful actress–Paste Magazine even rated their debut the best album of the year. I know very little about their relationship or personal lives, but thought maybe I’d see a headline one day that they got engaged. With that said, imagine my surprise when I heard that Deschanel, who is 28 years old, just got engaged to Death Cab For Cutie/Postal Service frontman, Ben Gibbard (32). The announcement came hours after it was being falsely reported that Deschanel was engaged to AFI bassist Hunter Burgan. Some sites are saying that she has been dating Gibbard for over a year.

Apparently I’m not the only one who thinks this news is going to hit Matt Ward hard–check out this funny post on Radio Exile.

She & Him – Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?

Death Cab For Cutie – I will Follow You Into The Dark

The Postal Service – District Sleeps Alone Tonight (This one is dedicated to you, M. Ward. Just kidding.)

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Jan 01 2009

Happy New Year

Published by under MP3's,Video

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