Oct 29 2008

MTV Going Back To Its Roots

Published by at 2:06 pm under Video

MTV has finally gone back to playing music videos, but only on their new website mtvmusic.com (which seems kind of redundant, Music Television Music). Regardless, they have tons of videos from the entire span of MTV’s existence. Pitchfork.tv has a good amount of more indie videos, but if you’re looking for vintage videos to popular videos of today, then MTV Music is the place to go.To get you started, here’s some music videos by some of our favorite artists:


The Flaming Lips (there’s a great selection here)

Elliott Smith


Animal Collective

Built to Spill

Modest Mouse

Rogue Wave



The Flaming Lips |MTV Music

One response so far

One Response to “MTV Going Back To Its Roots”

  1. CPS on 29 Oct 2008 at 7:50 pm

    Thanks for the heads up–can’t wait to go back to the early 80’s and see those funny- dated videos that we all sat around and watched with rapt attention.

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