Oct 27 2008

The Flaming Lips Record NBC Jingle

Published by at 12:01 pm under MP3's

The Flaming Lips will never “sell out”. No matter how many shitty movies they provide songs to or any TV shows they appear on they always maintain their musical philosophy. Because of this, I will listen to anything that The Lips do; I respect them too much to ignore anything they produce. NBC is getting a bunch of musicians to record the famous NBC jingle. Other artists include the B-52’s, T.I., B.B. King, and Richie Sambora of Bon Jovi. The Flaming Lips version will be the best for one big reason: Wayne Coyne’s double-necked guitar with Guitar Hero Kaoss pad controller. Wayne is able to criticize music games like Guitar Hero and make a really cool electronic instrument at the same time. No matter how good you are at Guitar Hero, you won’t ever be able to match the creative ingenuity of Wayne Coyne.

Watch the behind the scenes video here.

MP3: The Flaming Lips – Halloween on the Barbary Coast (just because it’s seasonally appropriate)

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