Aug 01 2008

Indie Muse August Update

Published by at 12:04 pm under MP3's,Muse News

Every once in a while it’s time for another Indie Muse update. It’s like a quarterly update, from a CEO perhaps, but much more random and much less important…to a point where it’s really not like that at all. Oh well. Just think of this as mini-posts that wouldn’t on their own justify a real post.

1) has offered me the position of “National Music Examiner” for the site. It’s really a great honor to have been asked, and you should check out my column, as it will be Indie Muse on steroids. Also, browse through the rest of the site. I’m not just saying that because I write for them, it’s really a great site with Professional (AP), National, and Local writers…I wouldn’t have agreed to write for them if I didn’t think so.

2) I’ve never posted this Midlake “Roscoe” remix by Beyond The Wizard’s Sleeve. It’s great.

Beyond the Wizard’s Sleeve – Roscoe (Midlake Remix)

3) Three of the writers for the site, Akhil Bhatt, David Nyman, and Sam Doty are in a band. I like to think of myself as their manager, though we never really discussed anything. Just kidding.

Abandoned Hospital Ship – Aperture

Abandoned Hospital Ship – Immortality Institute

4) Looking for an apartment/house? Check out, the official apartment/housing search engine of (I work for them and they are awesome).

5) I got an email a few weeks ago from a reader asking about Amplive’s Tokyo Police Club remix featuring Aesop Rock and Yak Balls. Below is “The Baskervilles,” the final track from Tokyo Police Club’s recently-released Elephant Shell. Here is a video of Amplive working on the remix.

Amplive – The Baskervilles (Tokyo Police Club Remix)

6) Thanks again to all of our loyal readers! If you have any recommendations or just want to drop me a line, my email is David (at) indiemuse (dot) (com). I would love to hear from you. Have a good August everyone!

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Indie Muse August Update”

  1. douglas pope on 01 Aug 2008 at 1:13 pm

    Yay. Its about time HotPads got a plug. Musicians need homes too you know.


  2. Conrad on 01 Aug 2008 at 4:58 pm

    I really enjoy these two Abandoned Hospital Ship songs. Where can I find more?

  3. Nyman on 04 Aug 2008 at 12:21 pm

    Hey Conrad!

    You can download the whole album right here:

    Thanks for your interest in our band! We will be recording again in about 2 weeks, and it will be better than ever.

  4. Conrad on 06 Aug 2008 at 11:03 pm

    Thanks much

  5. Kevin Short on 07 Oct 2008 at 1:02 pm

    We released our 17 track self titled album on August 9th, 2007 and it got us an A&R deal from hollywood ( Visit the myspace and

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