Jul 30 2008

Song of the Day – 7/30/08

Published by at 1:17 am under Boston,Folk,Song of the Day

Last week I posted about a tour by two fantastic folk singers by the names of Vikesh Kapoor and Nicholas Beaven. I got my hands on their EP’s and this week I will feature them both.

Nicholas Beaven’s five-song Four Track EP is surely a work of art in both content and presentation. The sleeve of the disc was pressed with a hand-carved stamp that he made and a note inside is written intimately for the the listener. The sounds don’t disappoint either.

Reminiscent just as much of Nick Drake and Elliott Smith as the classic folk poets, Beaven’s songs have that eerie bit of honesty about them. The analog warmth of the recordings give his already intriguing progressions and patterns the texture they deserve. His voice could be one of the warmest you’ve heard and the motion of the songs play along perfectly. The songs on the album vary in their power, but just for the sake of its shining moments should you give them your time. Even moreso than his skill on the guitar and his unique approach to songwriting is his ability to invite you to see his person. To bear what may be more suitable for a private journal in such an open spirit is a quality that resides few and far between in music today.

A multi-talented artist from the great city of Chicago, Nicholas Beaven’s “Lady I’ve Yet To Meet” is your song of the day. Make it speak to you.

MP3: Nicholas Beaven – “Lady I’ve Yet To Meet”

MP3: Nicholas Beaven – “Midnight Moon”

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Song of the Day – 7/30/08”

  1. Evan on 31 Jul 2008 at 8:30 am

    That was so beautiful, I almost cried right here in my cube.

  2. Chuck on 15 Aug 2008 at 11:01 pm

    This guy is not reminiscent of Elliot Smith.

  3. Akhil on 16 Aug 2008 at 1:28 am


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