Jun 09 2008

Breaking News: Bonnaroo Site Countdown Wrong???

Published by at 2:04 am under MP3's

Since Indie Muse doesn’t really do breaking music news, I thought it would be fun to find a niche, taking a rather petty thing and making it into something much bigger. So here we go.

If you go to Bonnaroo.com, the Official website for Bonnaroo Music Festival, you will see their infamous “Countdown” to Bonnaroo. The only problem. It’s wrong. At the time of this posting, it is Monday, 2:12 AM. The Countdown says there is 1 Day, 21 Hours, 48 Minutes, 28 Seconds until Bonnaroo.

One day equals 24 hours, meaning there are, more or less, 46 Hours until Bonnaroo, according to this Countdown. That means that the gates would be opening at about 12 AM Wednesday. In actuality, the gates don’t open until 7 AM Thurday morning. What does this all mean? It means panicked hippies either saying “Durr, forget it, I’m not going. Pass the joint bro” after seeing on the site (if they can spell the url correctly) it was earlier than they thought (if they remember at all), or a mob of angry hippies showing up in their Jerry Garcia memorabilia 31 hours early. Either way, it’s bad news.

I suppose this is what happens when a stoner company hires a stoner programmer to make an application for stoner customers so they don’t forget to show up. What has the world come to? We will give you an hourly update as the story unfolds. We contacted Bonnaroo headquarters at 2:16 AM to hear their side of the story, but as of 3 AM they have yet to reply. What are you hiding Bonnaroo? This is Indiemuse.com. Akhil, back to you.

Six Songs From Bands Performing at Bonnaroo 08:

Iron & Wine – Resurrection Fern

Rogue Wave – Eyes

Ben Folds – Late

Vampire Weekend – Oxford Comma

MGMT – Destrokk

Jack Johnson – Posters (live at Bonnaroo)

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Breaking News: Bonnaroo Site Countdown Wrong???”

  1. tyler elaschuk on 09 Jun 2008 at 7:42 pm

    you should check toronto’s scene.


  2. Sarah on 10 Jun 2008 at 9:55 am

    Hahaha! They fixed it!! Well…sort of. Never ceases to amaze me the impact that IndieMuse has on the world!!!!

  3. David on 10 Jun 2008 at 11:46 am

    Thanks Sarah!

    I like to think we provide Fair and Balanced news. That’s how we have made such a big impact on the world. I should trademark that. Fair and Balancedâ„¢. Oh, really? Wait, really?

  4. Sarah on 10 Jun 2008 at 6:36 pm

    Fair & balanced… well, I wasn’t going to mention this earlier but we’re leaving for ‘Roo tomorrow. However, by no stretch of the imagination would I ever consider my friends & I “panicked hippies”! Still love ya though!!

    \m/ >.< \m/

  5. David on 10 Jun 2008 at 6:51 pm

    Haha, we are leaving tomorrow for ‘Roo too (as in me, Akhil, and Sam)! I can’t speak for them, but I’m not a panicked hippie either. It’s safe to say that for Akhil too, I suppose, but I’m not so sure about Sam. We’ve always had to worry about panicked hippie Sam.

    Anyway, hope to see you there. Have a good time!

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