Apr 20 2008

New Weezer Tune

Published by at 2:09 pm under MP3's

Listen to “Pork and Beans” right here

They’re back. Or at least I really hope so.

Topic for discussion: what is your favorite/least favorite Weezer album?

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “New Weezer Tune”

  1. Laine on 22 Apr 2008 at 2:35 pm

    fave: pinkerton

    stink: green

  2. brendan benham on 22 Apr 2008 at 4:39 pm

    the blue album is in my opinion one of the top ten most perfect rock albums of all time.
    the way the album flows and the songs and i guess just every aspect about it probably won’t be ever topped again by weezer, but whatever, you still gotta love them.

    least favorite was definitely maladroit.
    for all the obvious reasons.

    lets all hope the red album kills.

  3. Celeste on 23 Apr 2008 at 1:31 pm

    weezer 2001..
    hey! i’ve been reading your blog for almost 5 or 6 months.. and i really love it. its very interesting .. cause in mexico (im from mexico) there’s nothing like this blog.. or any website that tells u indiemusic. .. . .. well i would like to meet u 😉 so ill give u my email: ksll@hotmail.com

  4. doty on 24 Apr 2008 at 8:41 am

    pinkerton reigns supreme, its so grimy… and awesome.

    maladroit not so good.

  5. Leah on 24 Apr 2008 at 7:45 pm

    My favorite is Pinkerton, and for awhile I was pretty down about Maladroit and Make Believe because I felt they were to becoming to “pop”,but I saw an interview with Rivers and he was saying how he got all of his anger and frustration and greif out and now he’s finally at a point in his life where he can just be happy. So I think I’ve come to terms with it now. Really, at the end of the day I just want them all to be happy. They are such an amazing band and I don’t want what happened with Mikey to ever happen again, so its cool if Rivers wants to sing about Rogain and Beverly Hills. As long as they keep putting out amazing riffs, I’m satisfied =) …Wow this is a long comment! I also really hope they tour this summer. I was only in 6th grade when Make Believe came out, so I couldn’t see them in 2005. If I don’t see them this year, I’ll have to wait another 2 or 3 years for them to put out another album!

  6. doty on 25 Apr 2008 at 4:16 pm

    yeah, I agree, I take back what I said about Maladroit, those last two albums are good, but only that. They just pale in comparison to the earlier work, which is simply fantastic. Pinkerton is one of my all-time favorite albums to listen to as one cohesive piece, I think it’s brilliant. Nice comment, Leah!

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