Apr 11 2008

Song of the day: Etienne de Rocher – Meditation # C.O.B.

Published by at 2:02 pm under Alternative,MP3's

I really enjoy this song. It’s been in my music library for a long time, but I haven’t listened to it consistently until now. I love the beat, Rocher’s voice, and the lyrics. Especially the lyrics–in the first verse, he starts each transition with the word he used to finish the last. Take a listen.

Etienne de Rocher – Meditation # C.O.B.

start with the C / C is for care / care that I take
then it’s the O / original / original flow
then it’s the B / B is for beats / beats on my streets
let the songs fall like rain / fall into my brain / and grow sipsey canes
grab a pad and a pen / say goodbye to your friends / and become something new
like all things do…

so hold on to your hope / grab on to the walls / and trust in your crew
don’t question the O / just move to the B / do what you do
start with the C / the C is for care / to see it all through
say goodbye to your friends / let it come to an end / and become something new
like all things do…

His Myspace page sums up his bio:

“Raised in Tuscaloosa Alabama by French professors. Came out to Berkeley to study Physics, dropped out to play African drums and record songs on my 4 track. Started a garage band called C.O.B., then went solo and somehow started playing with some of the Bay Area’s most lauded musicians. Hooked up with producer Dan Prothero and worked long and hard on my debut album.”

For a more complete bio, check out his site. To learn even more about him, check out his label, Fog City Records. Buy the song and album on Amie Street.


3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Song of the day: Etienne de Rocher – Meditation # C.O.B.”

  1. Alie on 17 Apr 2008 at 6:59 pm

    Alright. I’m sensory confused. I listen to this song, and it’s all glorious, glowing summer. I look out my window and the grass is a semi-depressing shade of schmuh, and there are pathetic baby buds on the trees.

    So if I just close my eyes… summer!

  2. elo on 03 May 2008 at 9:14 am

    i just close my eyes and i don’t see summer but love

  3. David M on 09 Sep 2008 at 2:29 pm

    What to do – Care. About who? – “Rich or No” – Everyone. Where? – “On the Beats of My Streets” – Everywhere. That about sums it up.

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