Mar 18 2008

Guvna – The Guvna Dub Sessions

Published by at 1:04 am under MP3's


I thought I would mix it up today and share with you some dub reggae that I think is unbelievable – specifically the Boston-based Guvna who are a side project of the much-acclaimed reggae band John Brown’s Body. A little while ago, they released an album of bass and drum driven awesomeness created largely by Scott Palmer (the bassist from JBB) and titled The Guvna Dub Sessions. Palmer died of cancer somewhat recently, and it is my understanding that this album was finished and released posthumously after three years of tweaking the songs, and represents some of his last work. I saw most of the album performed a while ago when they opened up for the Easy Star All Stars, and they completely blew me away… the mix was unbelievable… soul shaking grooves with ear-drum shattering ambient noise cutting through from the two DJs scratching in the back. It’s hard to explain exactly, but it suffices to say I’ve never before heard a room filled with sound quite like that. Dub is certainly an acquired taste, but give this album a chance, and I’m sure you will love it. Here’s a few tracks:

The Guvna Dub Sessions – Karmageddon

The Guvna Dub Sessions – Rolling Dub

The Guvna Dub Sessions – Me No Bow

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One response so far

One Response to “Guvna – The Guvna Dub Sessions”

  1. Kenny D on 17 Jan 2009 at 4:32 pm

    Thanks Alot love these tracks long live Scott Palmer

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