Feb 23 2008

Indie Muse Looking for Partner Sites

Published by at 4:46 pm under Muse News

Do you have a music blog or know someone who does? We here at Indie Muse are looking for sites that would be interested in partnering up with us (via the blogroll), that feature similar music. We have been running Indie Muse for a while now and would love to continue spreading the word on the site so people unaware of it can potentially find new music that they like (and hopefully you have enjoyed, thus far.) Also, we want to endorse other sites that we think our readers would like, as we can’t feature every great musician out there, as much as we would like to.

If you enjoy our blog and have a site of your own that you think we would like (that’s right RIAA!), then please shoot off an email to David (at) indiemuse (dot) com, or just use the contact form below. We are NOT looking to get more traffic to the site by any means necessary. This is a passion project, and our number one priority is to promote the music we love. The number of loyal readers we have to the site is astounding, and I can’t thank you guys enough. You all have great taste in music and I love hearing from you (and your recommendations.) We will be reviewing all the sites that contact us, and will only be supporting those that we visit ourselves.


One response so far

One Response to “Indie Muse Looking for Partner Sites”

  1. Valentin on 01 Jun 2008 at 5:04 pm

    Thanks for everything you make !! it’s great job.
    Peace !

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