Jan 14 2008

Billy Bragg: “Jail Guitar Doors”

Published by at 5:13 pm under MP3's,Muse News

I was just recently made aware of Billy Bragg’s fascinating “Jail Guitar Doors” program. The initiative basically gives inmates musical instruments, with the idea that it will give them a hobby, other than, say, killing people. So far, the re-conviction rates of those who have participated in the program is only 10%-15%, opposed to the 61% national average in the UK. Truly impressive. Music plays a significant role in our lives, and our western society, including corporations, has done a relatively good job recognizing the importance of music in our over scheduled lives. I think we need to continue supporting music programs at public schools, and ensure that schools with less government funding have the necessary means to sustain these programs. Unfortunately, the schools with the least government funding are often in neighborhoods were crime is most persistent. Sure, the program may be a little expensive, but so is locking a person up for 80 years. This way, maybe we can help avoid needless crime, and perhaps even get a good band or two out of it. The Independent just recently covered a story on “Jail Guitar Doors,” and I highly recommend you read the article. When they interviewed Bragg he said:

I never ask the prisoners I meet why they are inside. When I’m with them, I’m dealing with them strictly as individuals. What they did to get themselves in here in the first place is none of my business. I don’t want to judge them on that, not least because they’ve been judged on it already – they’re banged up, aren’t they? And anyway, these instruments aren’t presents, they’re a challenge, a challenge for them to try to make something of themselves. My hope is that they will see this as an opportunity to take that first step on the path back to society.

I believe the program “Jail Guitar Doors” is only a UK run program. I am not personally knowledgeable about specific organizations in the US that have similar programs, but am sure they exist. If any one has any information, either for donating instruments to schools or prisons, or wherever, please leave a comment below– I will update the post. I care about this issue, not only because I think it’s important to help prevent crime, but also because I think everyone has the right to explore music, and their inner passion. I’m not particularly good at any instrument, but it’s not from a lack of opportunity. Right now, I play the guitar a little, and like playing, but over the years I have dabbled in the Saxophone, Piano, and Drums. If you are on this site you obviously have a deep passion for music as well. It’s just interesting to think about how lucky we all are, and question what would have happened if the musicians we treasure were born under different circumstances where they didn’t have access to instruments.

Mermaid Avenue:

Billy Bragg & Wilco – California Stars

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Billy Bragg: “Jail Guitar Doors””

  1. Joe Shade on 21 Jan 2008 at 1:28 pm


    Consider yourself now knowledgeable regarding the existence of a program similar to the one Billy’s running in the UK!

    We had our first concert in August ’07 and raised enough to donate a couple of guitars to a local prison. You can find info on that here: http://www.myspace.com/jailguitardoorsdc.

    Since then we received $1000 from Billy when he was in town last October. He had raised the money be selling T-Shirts and some special vinyl records under his alter-ego “Johnny Clash.” We wound up donating 7 guitars to prisons all across the country, from Lousiana to Washington, DC.

    Look for big things this year as we’ve received requests for guitars from over 70 prisons in he USA!


  2. Holly Lee Hetherington on 17 Jun 2009 at 6:42 pm

    I am in a female pen now, does Billy Bragg want to come by and spend some time with me, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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