Nov 07 2007

Band of Horses – Cease To Begin

Published by at 12:41 am under MP3's

Last Friday, I saw the Band of Horses play at the 9:30 Club, in Washington DC, and can say that it was one of the best shows I have seen in a long, long time. If you have the opportunity to see the Band of Horses live, please, for my sake, go.

I just read Patrick Foster’s review of the show in the Washington Post, and he didn’t seem to think BOH’s live performance lived up to their recordings. He said the crowd “probably went home disappointed.” I could not disagree more. Let me know if you think differently, but I personally believe that somebody must have slipped something into Foster’s drink (or that the 1:15 am show was past his bedtime), because their performance, which I assume is similar to all their live performances, was spectacular and those who I spoke with that attended agree. Perhaps, the fact that I was in the front row made a difference, especially because I got to fully appreciate the length of BOH’s front man, Ben Bridwell’s, enormous beard and sweet table steel guitar, but I had a great time and thought their sound was phenomenal.

There is one thing that I can agree on with this “Patrick Foster” guy, if that’s even his real name—Band of Horses new album release, Cease to Begin, is incredible. Rarely will you find an album that has one great song leading into another equally as good, if not better, song. It is also be difficult to find a band that is able to handle the delicate balance between mellow folk/country and indie rock better than the Band of Horses.

Band of Horses was formed in 2004 by Ben Bridwell and Matt Brookes in Seattle, even though they have now relocated to Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, closer to where Bridwell grew up. Sub Pop became interested in the band after hearing them open shows for Iron & Wine, in Seattle, and the label has now released two albums of the bands, their new album, Cease to Begin, and their debut album, Everything All The Time.

Suggestion: When you buy Cease to Begin, consider purchasing the vinyl version; it is actually a dollar cheaper on than the CD, and the vinyl comes with a coupon code to download the entire album in mp3 format, absolutely free of charge.

Cease To Begin (2007):

Band of Horses – Ode to lrc

Band of Horses – Detlef Schrempf

Everything All The Time(2006):

Band of Horses: The Funeral

Band of Horses: Wicked Gil


Band of Horses: Wicked Gil (live on the interned)

Site| Tour|Store|Myspace

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Band of Horses – Cease To Begin”

  1. senne on 08 Nov 2007 at 9:38 am

    Can you take a bigger picture than this?

  2. David on 09 Nov 2007 at 12:09 am

    Yes, next time.

  3. the john solo on 11 Nov 2007 at 2:27 pm

    im going to ride the horses tonight….. metro chicago: greatest venue. should rip. built goes over real well there….band of horses should too….im taking my friend from work. her last two concerts: maroon 5. hopefully this is the beginning of new light. the road to recovery……walking away from a pile of shit. you get the idea. conversion.

  4. David on 11 Nov 2007 at 2:50 pm

    Hey the john solo,

    That should be a great show, I’m excited for you. I’m from Chicago, and love the Metro–it’s a perfect venue for Band of Horses. Be sure to let me know how the show is! Thanks for writing.


  5. […] l’altro come testimonia il blog IndieMuse dal vivo ci sanno fare eccome. Per ora però accontentavi di […]

  6. Favourite Albums of 2007 - Part 3 on 16 Dec 2007 at 6:29 pm

    […] album, with some pretty excellent rockers and nice ballads (examples of both can be downloaded here). It’s nice to know that Ben Bridwell’s talent is still as big as his […]

  7. liveon35mm on 06 Mar 2008 at 11:39 am

    Great Live Band, amazing.

    Check exclusive pictures of Band of Horses live on Koko stage in London.
    go to

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