Jul 31 2007

Indie Muse Is Expanding…and We Need A Graphic Designer

Published by at 7:49 pm under Muse News


I’m not even going to apologize this time. I always think I’m going to do better, but something always comes up, and I don’t post. Like this time I can say I was in Seattle for two weeks, which is true, and that I’ll get more posts up this week, but at this point I’d be foolish to think something else won’t come up this week. If I were breaking up with you, these first sentences would work perfectly when explaining why I can’t keep the site up anymore, but fortunately that’s not happening. In fact, this is a renewal of our vows. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you are weird and stand while you are on your computer, please take a moment to sit down, as this news is surely going to blow you off your feet. Indiemuse.com is going to get a makeover. In several ways. Starting today, I am happy to announce that my good friend, Dave Nyman, who you may know from the blog Just-pretend.blogspot.com, is joining Indiemuse.com. If we are lucky, several more writers will join our team, as well. Dave is extremely knowledgeable about today’s best music, and is a quite talented musician himself. We are both very lucky to have him.

So this is how this is going to work—I’m still going to be posting, and will still try my very best to share with you the music I’m loving, but in addition, you will now be graced with Dave’s musical taste. And if our other friends decide they would like to join us, we are possibly looking at a new post everyday.

One thing that will not change is our mission. All we are trying to do is find other fans who appreciate the same music as we do, and help spread the good word. I want to thank all of you for your support, even through my hiatus. Be expecting a post from Dave soon, and remember, I will not be offended at all if you get us confused, as he is bound to make great discoveries that I would love to take credit for.

Oh yes, and by any chance are you, or someone you know, a graphic designer who would be kind enough to help us out with the banner for the site? We are thinking we might change things up a little bit in terms of the display, and I am horrible with Photoshop. Just awful. We are looking to have a cool Indie Muse graphic logo, maybe something revolving around music. If you could help us, we would be forever grateful, and will link to your site and give major props.

Song of the Day

Elliott Smith – New Moon:

Elliott Smith – New Monkey

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Indie Muse Is Expanding…and We Need A Graphic Designer”

  1. Alie on 16 Aug 2007 at 5:59 pm

    My brother’s kind of rocks at PhotoShop and graphic design/visual stuff in general… so I’ll definitely make sure to tell him you guys are looking for somebody. He’ll probably be up for it.


  2. Alie on 16 Aug 2007 at 5:59 pm

    My brother kind of rocks at PhotoShop and graphic design/visual stuff in general… so I’ll definitely make sure to tell him you guys are looking for somebody. He’ll probably be up for it.


  3. Zayne Ilimaleota on 13 Feb 2008 at 7:06 pm

    If you still need a Graphic Designer, let me know!

    If you’d like to see a few things I’ve made and stuff… just email me.

    Much love,

    Zayne Ilimaleota

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