Jan 18 2007

NBC Signs “The Office” To Another Season

Published by at 7:14 pm under MP3's


A smile swept across my face when I saw NBC’s Press Release today. They are sticking with The Office for at least one more full season. I was positive the show would soon be dropped, given that it is actually good. Who wants to watch a good television show? I mean look at Arrested Development–pure garbage!

Just a reminder that a new episode is on tonight at 7:30 C. If you just can’t wait until then, there are some hilarious webisodes that are about a minute a piece on NBC’s site. Here’s the LINK (watch them in order). If you are wondering how this has to do with music, just remember that we are in for another good year of karaoke, and if we’re lucky, we might even get to see Kevin’s band play again!

Here is The Office Theme Song and Sing by Travis which Pam and Jim listened to on an iPod together in “The Client.”

The Office Theme Song – The Scrantones

Travis – Sing

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “NBC Signs “The Office” To Another Season”

  1. Alie on 20 Jan 2007 at 9:31 pm

    Goodness… The Office is just destined for brilliance. My friends and I had an Office Party [har har] this past summer where we watched every single episode of The Office UK. One of them even put a stapler in Jelly with piece of paper saying “Garet” taped to it. And I’ve been holing my self up in my room watching, it now that I’ve gotten it for Christmas.

    And then there’s the American one. I’ll admit I found it extremely painful to watch the first few episodes when they tried to re-create the initial episodes of The Office UK. But once they found their own rhythm it was sheer brilliance. Hoorah for karaoke!

    [P.S. You’re right about Arrested Development. That Gob alone… boo.]

  2. David on 22 Jan 2007 at 1:30 pm

    That sounds like an office party I would have enjoyed! Are you sure it was for an “office party” though, or is your boss like Michael Scott, and demands his(or her) employee’s to take part in weekly “movie day?” Your kind words improve my day more than you could imagine. Thanks so much for taking the time to write to me.

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