Jan 04 2007

‘The O.C.’ is Cancelled!

Published by at 1:40 pm under Muse News


I am sure that you will soon be hearing about how the once “to die for” teen soap opera “The O.C.” has been canceled by Fox. This news is not pertinent to the site in any way, and there is only one reason why I am bringing it up—the featured music. Alexandra Patsavas, music supervisor for shows such as The O.C. and Grey’s Anatomy, has brought to viewers attention hundreds of bands that the general public would have otherwise been left unaware of (It wasn’t until The O.C. aired that Death Cab became a household name for every 14-year-old girl on the face of the earth.)

I too have felt betrayed at times when an artist that I’ve listened to for years all of a sudden hits mainstream fame due to a show like The O.C., and then being asked if I know “fill in the blank.” However, I still support these bands getting the acknowledgment they deserve, and don’t think bands should be listened to because they are “indie”–they should be listened to for being talented, so the more people who listen, the merrier. The O.C. has been fundamental in displaying how much more successful a show can be when supported by good music.

Will The O.C. be missed? Not in my book, but hopefully future TV shows have learned a thing or two about the importance of taking the time to research music and giving viewers just one more incentive to tune in.

Hope everyone had a great holiday! Please check back, I’ll be posting again very soon.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “‘The O.C.’ is Cancelled!”

  1. Murk on 07 Jan 2007 at 7:49 am

    Definitely know the feeling. Before Grey’s Anatomy played Chasing Cars I could get Snow Patrol tickets without too many problems, nowadays if I’m even a few hours late they’re gone. Similarly, there was a time when I was the only person around my area to have heard of the Shins, it does feel like your little secret is suddenly gone when a band does hit the big times.

  2. David on 18 Jan 2007 at 1:11 am

    Thanks for commenting Murk! I’m glad I found someone who can relate. It’s good the bands are getting the credit they rightfully deserve, but at times I really do wish the band could just remain my little kept secret. That’s the nice thing about music though, there are always bands emerging.

  3. Alie on 20 Jan 2007 at 9:40 pm

    Yeahh… I have to agree.

    In a selfish way, I kind of enjoy keeping music I like within the realms of the [pardon my slang] blogosphere or sharing it with the friends who are willing to give it a chance.

    And then I get this ping pong thing going in my head because, like you said, it’s great that bands and artists are gaining the kind of publicity they never could on their own, it feels like a bit of the magic has been swiped in some way.

    On the other hand, ever since Garden State I’ve noticed that the more mainstream movies are tapping into better music sources, which is cool to see.

    Anyway! I tend to rant whenever I comment here. I’ve actually had your site as my homepage for quite a while now. It always improves my day when there’s a new post up.

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