Jul 26 2006

Former Ben Folds Five Member, Darren Jesse, Still Making Quality Music.

Published by at 5:32 pm under MP3's


If you are a true Ben Folds Five fan then you have to know Darren Jessee. He was the drummer of the band, and recently released a new album with his newer band, Hotel Lights. Darren helped co-write some popular BFF songs such as Brick, Song for the dumped, and Kate. After BBF broke up in 2000, he moved from Chapel Hill to New York City, and started perfoming solo. Realizing he couldn’t record a solo album with the music he had written, Darren decided to move back to North Carolina to form his band including: former Archers of Loaf drummer Mark Price, Roger Gupton (bass, vocals), Chris Badger (keyboards, guitar), and Al Weatherhead. Fountains of Wayne member Adam Schlesinger helped out with several tracks on the album as well. I have been listening to Hotel Light’s self-titled album since its release, and think that it is definitely worth your listen. It is mellow, thoughtfully written, and overall an album that I will be listening to for quite some time.
Hotel Lights – You Come And I Go

Hotel Lights – A.M. Slow Golden Hit

One response so far

One Response to “Former Ben Folds Five Member, Darren Jesse, Still Making Quality Music.”

  1. Carlo on 08 Aug 2006 at 11:54 pm

    Nice! Thanks for sharing this.

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